
This blog is hosted by the Student Life Office of the Pepperdine University School of Law to keep the families and friends of its law students connected!

8 thoughts on “About

  1. Laura Irwin says:

    This is an excellent idea.

  2. Al Sturgeon says:

    Thanks, Laura! I am looking forward to it!

  3. Roland Beaudoin says:


    I’m a retired trial court judge in Maine. My son is a 1L starting this week. I’m more excited for him than I was when I started law school 38 years ago. Congratulations to all first year students!

  4. Vivian Cid says:

    I had to stay behind due to work while my husband drove off with my 1L so I am extra appreciative of this blog. Your warmth and genuine concern was so evident to us during our Spring visit. Thank you Al and blessings to all!

    • Al Sturgeon says:

      The staying behind is so hard, I know. We will definitely keep you in the loop along the way! Please stay in touch, and I look forward to welcoming you back to campus sometime soon!

  5. Michele Bagneris says:

    Thanks so much for doing this! I haven’t “blogged” before, but look forward to periodically touching base with other family members. I, too, am excited that our son will start on the law school path this week. Please provide the details about the family picnic that will be held this Saturday. Have a great “big” week!

    • Al Sturgeon says:

      Great hearing from you, Michele! Excited to have Jules here! We are having a softball game at Malibu Bluffs Park on Saturday afternoon at 2pm — a team of faculty/staff versus a team of entering law students. You are welcome to come watch the law students destroy us! 🙂

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