Monthly Archives: August 2014

Faculty in the News

Click HERE for a terrific listing of Pepperdine Law faculty recently sharing their expertise in media outlets around the world.

Wednesday Night (Not at Gash Manor, not at the Carons, but at Dean Tacha’s!)

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Professor Jim Gash hosts a Wednesday night Bible study at his family’s home each Wednesday night of the academic year, and a large number of law students, primarily members of the Christian Legal Society, attend each week.  This semester, however, Professor Gash is in London, so Professor Paul Caron jumped at the chance to host the weekly event.  However, for the first few weeks of the semester, before it turns cooler, it is best to meet outside, so Professor Caron’s next-door neighbor, Dean Tacha, will host the event in her backyard.

Last night was a great kickoff to the year, and there were 60-70 students in attendance (along with a few professors and family members).  In addition to music, prayers, and announcements from CLS leaders, we had the opportunity to hear from two of our great third-year students, Amanda Sanchez and John Niemeyer!

Launch Week in Review

Click HERE for a great press release on Launch Week by Tom Inkel, Director of Communications.

First Day in the Books (Literally, and Metaphorically)

Yesterday was a good day.  Although we emphasized to our 1Ls that classes began for them last week, yesterday was the first day when all of our students — 1Ls, 2Ls, and 3Ls — were in class.  So, yesterday felt like the first day of school.

When I hear the words “first day of school” I picture cute little kindergarten students with oversized backpacks completely unaware of what awaits them in the year ahead.  In my imagination, several are excited, while others are ready to burst into tears at the enormity of it all.  And for all the students, the mommies and daddies are typically the biggest basket cases of all!

That pretty much applies to first-year students in law school, too, even down to the oversized backpacks.  🙂

The 1Ls were here early yesterday morning, and from what I hear, they are off to an excellent start.

The 1L class is divided into three sections — Section A, Section B, and Section C — and for the most part, they will be in class with their “section” for the entire year.  Yesterday, the 1Ls had Civil Procedure in the morning, and Torts in the afternoon.  Today, they have Legal Research & Writing in the morning, followed by Contracts, and then a second class of Torts this afternoon.  Following today, they will have met with all of their classes and professors.  We are underway!

Ready To Go


Launch Week ended with a bang last Friday with an inspirational message from Bob Goff, who told the students, ““Want to make a difference in the world? Go be the humblest version of you.”


Bob’s message was followed with a fun afternoon at Malibu Bluffs Park, which included a 1Ls vs. Faculty-Staff softball game.  The 1Ls won the game, 12-4, but it really wasn’t that close.  🙂

By all measures, Launch Week was a great success.  I arrived at 7:15am this morning, and I saw many of our first-year students already here preparing for their first class that was scheduled to begin at 8:50am.  They are ready to go!

Big Day

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Launch Week has been fantastic, and it ends with a bang today.  As the early morning picture above shows, we have parking spots reserved for our two important final speakers — President Andrew K. Benton, and best-selling author and speaker, Bob Goff.  In between is an important final class session titled, “What is justice?”


Then, after the morning session, we will relocate across the Pacific Coast Highway to beautiful Malibu Bluffs Park for lunch, softball, volleyball, frisbee, and more importantly, an opportunity to laugh together and keep building relationships.  And, as you can see, the view isn’t so bad for a softball game either!

Student Mentors


I posted this picture on Monday without explanation, but it is one of my favorites.  Under the outstanding leadership of three upper-division students (Amy, David, and Snezhanna), our blue-shirted student mentors have done an amazing job this week of welcoming our new students to the law school.  This picture is just a small group: We actually have around eighty 2Ls and 3Ls that apply to be student mentors for no compensation — other than the great benefit of forming new relationships.  They have worked hard all week and have served as a welcoming presence.  Their work won’t end this week — they will serve as mentors to their groups of mentees throughout the academic year (and, as history proves, beyond).

Day One

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In two hours, I will stand behind this microphone to welcome the Class of 2017 to law school.  The only difference in the picture will be the 223 bright, eager, anxious, talented students looking back at me.  What an honor.