Sunday Class

With Church Class

It has been an honor for my wife and I to host a Sunday morning Bible class in our home this academic year.  This is the second year that Professor Jim Gash and I have taught a Sunday morning class for graduate students, but this is the first year we gave hosting it in our home a shot.  Each Sunday morning, we shared breakfast together, followed by a discussion on a particular text.

Quite a few law students took part in the class over the course of the year.  We were sad this past Sunday to recognize that several of our graduates would be moving on and no longer be a part of the class, but it has been such a privilege to spend time with them while they were here.  We will miss Amanda, Hillary, Megan, Shelby, Ashleigh & Ryan, and Rachel & Steve!

We took a class picture (above) this past Saturday for memory’s sake.  The picture provided a bit of humor since our impromptu pose made it look like my wife and I have ten grown-up kids and a new baby.  (For the record, we don’t!)  🙂

Al Sturgeon
Dean of Students

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